Three Organizations That Can Benefit From Vending Machines


Many companies have one or more vending machines in their lunchrooms, which can be a good way to ensure that employees have easy access to snacks throughout the workday. If you oversee any type of organization, it's a good idea to give some thought to the merits of having vending machines in your building. If you believe that you can benefit from one or more vending machines, speak to a local distributor to learn more about what it can offer. Here are three organizations for which vending machines are a worthwhile addition.

Medical Facilities

Whether you oversee a hospital, an urgent care center, or some type of clinic, there are numerous advantages to having vending machines in your building. While large hospitals typically have cafeterias, coffee shops, and other eating options, many people will favor the speed and simplicity of vending machines. For example, if someone has to rush to the hospital with a loved one, he or she may need to get a snack at some point while the family member receives care. Instead of waiting in line at the cafeteria, this individual can quickly grab something from a vending machine and return to the patient's room. Plan to have vending machines on each floor, especially in common areas where people gather.

Sports Facilities

Sports facilities can also benefit from having on-site vending machines. When athletes play any type of sport, they need hydration afterward. Being able to grab a bottle of water or a sports drink from one of the vending machines will be a frequent occurrence. At community sports facilities, parents will often wait while their children have games or practice. This waiting period can be dull, so being able to walk over to a vending machine and grab a snack can be appealing. Setting up the machines in waiting areas will be a good choice.


Vending machines are also a good idea for hotels, whether you operate a budget property or a high-end one. Regardless of whether your hotel has a restaurant, your guests will appreciate having access to vending machines. A guest who wants a cold drink after returning to the hotel at the end of the day or someone who wants a quick snack in the afternoon will be able to grab what they need from a nearby vending machine. Lots of hotels have vending machines in their lobbies, but it's also common to have machines outside of the athletic center and even on each individual floor.

For more information on how your organization can benefit from a vending machine, talk to a food service distributor. 


16 July 2020

don't struggle with party menus - hire a food service

Party planning is not my forte. I can do a lot of things, but putting together an event of any kind is not one of them. When it is my turn to host the family gatherings or put together a birthday party for my kids, I always struggled with the menu. I never knew what to serve my guests, so I started looking into hiring a catering service to prepare the food for me. After I eliminated the menu problems, planning parties became much easier. There are so many options of food services to use, so I created my blog to help others that share my lack of menu planning abilities get through their party planning a little easier.